These are sets of multiple-choice questions designed to evaluate students’ knowledge of the features of the earth’s crust (internal and external), the spatial spread of the physical and human features, the interactions that exist between man and these spatial features and the changes that occur over space as well as the effects of those changes on man with a view to maintaining sustainability in man’s ecosystem. The questions have been carefully structured to test the students’ ability to:
- Appreciate the concepts of differential character and the spatial relationships of the surface features of the earth;
- Appreciate the concepts of man- environment relations
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the nature and functioning of physical and human environments, particularly an understanding of their inter-relationships and the resulting issues;
- Demonstrate skills and techniques for accurate, orderly and objective geographical investigations to be carried out both in the classrooms and in the immediate environment;
- Appreciate the cultural, social and economic circumstances of people in their immediate environments and those of other countries within the West Africa sub-region.